Editor: G. Goradze2024-07-112024-07-112024-07-112667-9663E-ISSN: 2720-8664https://dspace.sabauni.edu.ge/handle/1/149The Journal of ORBELIANI LAW REVIEW Established by Sulkhan-saba Orbeliani University. The journal is an official, international, scientific, peer-reviewed, and referred open-access periodical journal and is published on behalf of the Faculty of Law of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University. The mission of the journal is to promote the development of legal studies and aims to publish articles of scientific importance and establish itself in well-known international databases. The journal has an international unique code: The journal is published every year in December in the English language. The journal is published in print and digital versions. The journal is nonprofit and publishing an article is free. Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.52340/olrContent JAKUB STELINA As a Weapon to Perform a Terrorist Aerial Attack within the Jurisprudence of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal ILIA PATARAIA Denial of Russia's Sovereign Immunity in Tort Claims of IDPs in Georgian National Courts NANA AGHLEMASHVILI Natural Beauty Protection as an Aesthetic Value Under International Environmental Law TOMASZ SZANCIŁO Legal Nature of Appeals in Polish Civil Proceedings MAGDALENA MAKSYMIUK, ARTUR TRUBALSKI Legislative Function of the Second Chamber of Parliament of Poland Against the Background of the Solutions of Czech Republic and Romania: de lege lata v. de lege ferenda ARTUR KOKOSZKIEWICZ Justice Dilemmas in Law – the Law Justice Meta-Principle Under the Example of the Polish Administrative Process PAULINA BREJDAK Tax Evidence Proceedings in Polish Tax Law – General Characteristics IGOR ZGOLINSKI Polish Fiscal Criminal Law, Legislative Tradition and Special FeaturesenOrbeliani Law Review Vol. 2, No. 1 (2023):