The Journal of Development Studies,Vol. 1, No. 1 (2020)
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Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University; Institute of Development Studies
4 Editorial Welcome Message Nino Papachashvili
5 Georgian Electoral System –Current Problems and ChallengesSophioDemetrashvili, Mariam Jikia
12 Georgia and Energy SecurityMaka Partsvania
20 Regional Trade Agreements and its Perspectives for SmallOpen EconomiesTamta Mikaberidze
31 The Freedom of Religion in the Post-Soviet GeorgiaManana Darchashvili, Tina Tskhovrebadze
38 The Issue of Institutionalization of Political Parties in Post-soviet GeorgiaMaka Benashvili
45 Learning Outcomes Assessment Formats in Georgia after USSRShorena Gogiashvili
54 Challenges in Hybrid Learning Model Globally vs Locallin 2020Tamar Kanashvili
61 Emergence of the Smart SocietyVasja Roblek, Maja Meško
The Journal of Development Studies, Established in 2020 by the Institute for Development Studies (IDS).
The Journal of Development Studies (JDS) invites articles that are interdisciplinary or focused on particular disciplines and discusses pressing issues from the perspective of development studies. The works may be theoretical, empirical, or methodological in focus. The surveys of the literature in important fields of development policy are also welcomed.
JDS publishes only original research works in English. Manuscripts must be written and submitted in accordance with the requirements and have not been published before and have not been simultaneously submitted for publication anywhere else. All research articles in the JDS undergo double peer review.
Publication in this journal is totally free of charge