Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University
მუდმივი URI ამ ფონდისთვის
ფონდები ამ ფონდში
- The programs of the Faculty of Business and Technology of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University are built on the models of the programs of the leading European universities. The faculty team is composed of: With leading professors in the field of business and tourism and With managers of successful business companies.
- The mission of the Law Faculty of Sulkhan-Saba-Orbeliani University is to prepare qualified, completable, legally high cultured and professionally ethical lawyers and public officials. The faculty is consisted of lecturers from gained practice as well as legal scholars of superlative qualification.
- The mission of the Faculty of Theology of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University is to prepare students for employment in their profession, so that they will be able to realize their qualifications in a different cultural, ecclesial and social environment. The goal of the University is for students to realize themselves on the one hand, regarding to the Christian theology, and on the other hand, to religious-cultural and social activities in general.
- Medicine is a diverse profession with an expanding range of career options. The Faculty of Medicine is established at the Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University for the Implementation of relevant educational programs. The faculty is the one of the main educational unit of the University, its goal is to implement the educational programs and scientific activities of the University, to create and develop an educational environment in accordance with modern standards.
- The Faculty of Social Sciences, as an educational structural unit, implements his educational programs at undergraduate level. The Faculty of Social Sciences, according to the University’s mission and plan, aims to prepare competitive and qualified students with high civic responsibility, professional ethics and with extensive and interdisciplinary competence.