Faculty of Law

მუდმივი URI ამ ფონდისთვისhttps://dspace.sabauni.edu.ge/handle/1/190


ფონდები ამ ფონდში

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  • Prince Davit Institute for Law is a scientific-research unit of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, which was established in 2012 as a non-profit legal entity. Members of the Institute are researchers from the academic staff of Sabauni as well as from other universities, practitioners from various fields of law and public administration.
  • The mission of the Center for Crime and Criminal Justice is to raise awareness on the crime, crime prevention and control and criminal justice system, as well as to re-evaluate existing knowledge in this sphere.

კოლექციები ამ ფონდში

Now showing 1 - 1 of 1
  • Prince Davit Institute for Law is a scientific-research unit of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, which was established in 2012 as a non-profit legal entity. Members of the Institute are researchers from the academic staff of Sabauni as well as from other universities, practitioners from various fields of law and public administration.